رئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية بيوت الشباب الليبية الشيباني عبدالله الشيباني رفقة الأمين العام لتجمّع دول الساحل والصحراء
Thursday، 18th April، 2024

The Youth Ministry welcomes the Secretary-General of the Sahel-Sahara Countries Community (CEN-SAD).

As part of the preparations for the upcoming meeting of the Ministers of Youth and Sports of the Sahel-Saharan Community, the Secretary-General of the Community, Mr. Adu Al-Hajj, arrived in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, earlier today along with his accompanying delegation. Upon his arrival, Mr. Al-Hajj was welcomed by the Chairman of the Association's Board, Mr. Al-Shibani Abdullah, as well as by the Deputy Minister of Youth for Planning and Development Affairs, Mrs. Randa Gharib. Also present were the Chairman of the Board of the Volunteer Youth Agency, the directors of the African Affairs and Protocol Departments at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the head of the Community's Office.

Mr. Al-Hajj commended the warm reception, expressing his appreciation for the return of activity to the Sahel-Saharan Community after a hiatus of more than 15 years. He also thanked the Ministry of Youth in the Government of National Unity for hosting this ministerial session, which is scheduled to commence on Sunday, April 22nd.